
Class index



Note to use as subclass for declarative notes, i.e. note classes which automatically sync with the corresponding note if it already exists in Trilium.


Reusable collection of attributes and children which can be inherited by a BaseDeclarativeNote.


class trilium_alchemy.core.declarative.base.BaseDeclarativeNote(title: str | None = None, note_type: str | None = None, mime: str | None = None, parents:[Note | Branch] | Note | Branch | None = None, children:[Note | Branch] | None = None, attributes:[BaseAttribute] | None = None, content: str | bytes | IO | None = None, note_id: str | None = None, template: Note | type[Note] | None = None, session: Session | None = None, **kwargs)
title: str | None = None

Note title

note_type: str | None = None

Note type, default text; one of: "text", "code", "file", "image", "search", "book", "relationMap", "render"

mime: str | None = None

MIME type, default text/html; needs to be specified only for note types "code", "file", "image"

parents:[Note | Branch] | Note | Branch | None = None

Parent note/branch, or iterable of notes/branches (internally modeled as a set)

children:[Note | Branch] | None = None

Iterable of child notes/branches (internally modeled as a list)

attributes:[BaseAttribute] | None = None

Iterable of attributes (internally modeled as a list)

content: str | bytes | IO | None = None

Text/binary content or file handle

note_id: str | None = None

noteId to use, will create if it doesn’t exist

template: Note | type[Note] | None = None

Note to set as target of ~template relation

session: Session | None = None

Session, or None to use default


Internal only





Note to use as subclass for declarative notes, i.e. note classes which automatically sync with the corresponding note if it already exists in Trilium.


Subclassing this class means the note will replace any existing fields (title, type, mime, content) as well as attributes and children. Set leaf = True to preserve children.


Add auto_mime=True to also set mime using magic package (or do so automatically if BaseDeclarativeNote.content_file set, but BaseDeclarativeNote.mime_ not set)

note_id_: str | None


note_id to explicitly assign.

title_: str | None


Title to set, or None to use class name.

note_type_: str | None


Note type to set.

mime_: str | None


MIME type to set.

content_: str | bytes | IO | None


Content to set.

content_file: str | None


Name of file to use as content, relative to module’s location. Also adds #originalFilename label.


Currently Trilium only shows #originalFilename if the note’s type is file.

note_id_seed: str | None


Seed from which to generate note_id. Useful to generate a collision-avoidant id from a human-friendly identifier. Generated as base64-encoded hash of seed.

note_id_segment: str | None


Segment with which to generate note_id given the parent’s note_id, if no note_id is otherwise specified.

singleton: bool


If set on a BaseDeclarativeNote subclass, enables deterministic calculation of note_id based on the fully qualified class name. This means the same class will always have the same note_id when instantiated.


If you move this class to a different module, it will result in a different note_id which will break any non-declarative relations to it. To enable more portable behavior, set BaseDeclarativeNote.idempotent or assign BaseDeclarativeNote.note_id_seed explicitly.

idempotent: bool


If set on a BaseDeclarativeNote subclass, enables deterministic calculation of note_id based on the class name. Similar to BaseDeclarativeNote.singleton, but only the class name (not fully qualified) is used.

idempotent_segment: bool


If set on a BaseDeclarativeNote subclass, sets segment name to class name for the purpose of note_id calculation. An explicitly provided BaseDeclarativeNote.note_id_segment takes precedence.

leaf: bool


If set to True on a BaseDeclarativeNote subclass, disables setting of child notes declaratively, allowing children to be manually maintained by the user. Otherwise, notes added by the user will be deleted to match the children added declaratively.

Should be set on notes intended to hold user notes, e.g. todo lists.

hide_new_note: bool


Whether to hide “new note” button, regardless of whether it would otherwise be hidden. Can be used to hide “new note” button for e.g. Templates which otherwise would show it.

icon: str | None


Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.declarative.base.BaseDeclarativeMixin

If provided, adds #iconClass label unless it is already present.

property note_id_seed_final: str | None

Get the seed from which this note’s id was derived. Useful for debugging.

property note_id: str | None

Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.note.Note

Getter for noteId, or None if not created yet.

property title: str

Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.note.Note

Getter/setter for note title.

property note_type: str

Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.note.Note

Getter/setter for note title.

property mime: str

Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.note.Note

Getter/setter for MIME type.

property is_protected: bool

Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.note.Note

Protected state, can only be changed in Trilium UI.

property date_created: str

Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.note.Note

Local created datetime, e.g. 2021-12-31 20:18:11.939+0100.

property date_modified: str

Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.note.Note

Local modified datetime, e.g. 2021-12-31 20:18:11.939+0100.

property utc_date_created: str

Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.note.Note

UTC created datetime, e.g. 2021-12-31 19:18:11.939Z.

property utc_date_modified: str

Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.note.Note

UTC modified datetime, e.g. 2021-12-31 19:18:11.939Z.

property attributes: Attributes

Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.note.Note

Getter/setter for attributes, both owned and inherited.


Sets list of owned attributes, replacing the existing list

property labels: Labels

Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.note.Note

Getter for labels, accessed as combined list or filtered by owned vs inherited.

property relations: Relations

Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.note.Note

Getter for labels, accessed as combined list or filtered by owned vs inherited.

property branches: Branches

Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.note.Note

Getter/setter for branches, both parent and child.

property parents: ParentNotes

Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.note.Note

Getter/setter for parent notes.


Sets set of parent notes, replacing the existing set

property children: ChildNotes

Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.note.Note

Getter/setter for child notes.


Sets list of parent notes, replacing the existing list

property content: str | bytes

Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.note.Note

Getter/setter for note content.

property content_str: str

Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.note.Note

Type-safe getter/setter for text note content.

property content_bin: bytes

Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.note.Note

Type-safe getter/setter for binary note content.

property blob_id: str

Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.note.Note

Getter for blobId, a digest of the note content.

property is_string: bool

Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.note.Note

True if note as it’s currently configured has text content.

Mirrors Trilium’s src/services/utils.js:isStringNote().

property paths: list[list[Note]]

Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.note.Note

Get list of paths to this note, where each path is a list of ancestor notes.

property paths_str: list[str]

Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.note.Note

Get list of paths to this note, where each path is a string like A > B > C.

property state: State

Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.entity.BaseEntity

Current state.

property session: Session

Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.entity.BaseEntity

Session to which this entity belongs.

property str_short: str

Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.entity.BaseEntity

Get a short description of this entity.

property str_summary: str

Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.entity.BaseEntity

Get a summary of this entity, including its current state and model values.

get(name: str, default: str | None = None) str | None

Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.note.Note

Get value of first label with provided name, or None if no such label exists.

copy(deep: bool = False) Note

Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.note.Note

Return a copy of this note, including its title, type, MIME, attributes, and content.

If deep is False, child notes are cloned to the returned copy. Otherwise, child notes are recursively deep copied.


The returned copy still needs to be placed in the tree hierarchy (added as a child of another note) before Session.flush() is invoked.

sync_template(template: Note)

Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.note.Note

Update this note to match the provided template:

  • Set note type and MIME

  • Set content if empty

  • Recursively deep copy missing child notes, matched by title

transmute(note_cls: type[NoteT]) NoteT

Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.note.Note

Change this note’s base to the provided class and return it. This is useful for converting a Note instance to a subclass thereof with custom convenience APIs.


Has a side effect of committing any changes to this note to Trilium.

export_zip(dest_path: pathlib.Path, export_format: Literal[html, markdown] = 'html')

Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.note.Note

Export this note subtree to zip file.

dest_path: pathlib.Path

Destination .zip file

export_format: Literal[html, markdown] = 'html'

Format of exported HTML notes

import_zip(src_path: pathlib.Path) Note

Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.note.Note

Import note subtree from zip file, adding the imported root as a child of this note and returning it.

src_path: pathlib.Path

Source .zip file


Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.note.Note

Flush note along with its owned attributes.


Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.entity.BaseEntity

Discard cached contents and user-provided data for this object. Upon next access, data will be fetched from Trilium.


Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.entity.BaseEntity

Mark this entity for pending delete.


Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.entity.BaseEntity

Update value from Trilium, discarding any local changes.

init(attributes: list[BaseAttribute], children: list[Branch])

Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.declarative.base.BaseDeclarativeMixin

Can be overridden to add attributes and/or children during instantiation. Use the following to create attribute/child with deterministic id:


User should not invoke super().init(). To add attributes and children in an intuitive order, TriliumAlchemy manually traverses a BaseDeclarativeNote subclass’s MRO and invokes decorator-patched inits followed by BaseDeclarativeMixin.init.

attributes: list[BaseAttribute]

List of attributes to which user can append using BaseDeclarativeMixin.create_declarative_label or BaseDeclarativeMixin.create_declarative_relation

children: list[Branch]

List of children to which user can append using BaseDeclarativeMixin.create_declarative_child

create_declarative_label(name: str, value: str = '', inheritable: bool = False) Label

Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.declarative.base.BaseDeclarativeMixin

Create and return a Label with deterministic attribute_id based on its name and note’s note_id. Should be used in subclassed BaseDeclarativeNote.init or BaseDeclarativeMixin.init to generate the same attribute_id upon every instantiation.

Multiple attributes of the same name are supported.

create_declarative_relation(name: str, target: Note, inheritable: bool = False) Relation

Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.declarative.base.BaseDeclarativeMixin

Create and return a Relation with deterministic attribute_id based on its name and note’s note_id. Should be used in subclassed BaseDeclarativeNote.init or BaseDeclarativeMixin.init to generate the same attribute_id upon every instantiation.

Multiple attributes of the same name are supported.

create_declarative_child(child_cls: type[BaseDeclarativeNote], title: str | None = None, note_type: str | None = None, mime: str | None = None, parents: Iterable[Note | Branch] | Note | Branch | None = None, children: Iterable[Note | Branch] | None = None, attributes: Iterable[BaseAttribute] | None = None, content: str | bytes | IO | None = None, template: Note | type[Note] | None = None, prefix: str = '', expanded: bool | None = None) Branch

Inherited from: trilium_alchemy.core.declarative.base.BaseDeclarativeMixin

Creates a child BaseDeclarativeNote with deterministic note_id and returns a Branch. Should be used in subclassed BaseDeclarativeNote.init or BaseDeclarativeMixin.init to generate the same child note_id upon every instantiation.

If the parent note’s note_id set, the child note will be assigned one so as to create the same note_id upon every instantiation.

If the child’s note_id is not fixed, a new note will be created upon every instantiation. This is the case for non-singleton subclasses.

Params following child_cls are passed to the Note and Branch initializers.

child_cls: type[BaseDeclarativeNote]

Class of child to instantiate

class trilium_alchemy.core.declarative.base.BaseDeclarativeMixin(session: Session)





Reusable collection of attributes and children which can be inherited by a BaseDeclarativeNote.

icon: str | None


If provided, adds #iconClass label unless it is already present.

init(attributes: list[BaseAttribute], children: list[Branch])

Can be overridden to add attributes and/or children during instantiation. Use the following to create attribute/child with deterministic id:


User should not invoke super().init(). To add attributes and children in an intuitive order, TriliumAlchemy manually traverses a BaseDeclarativeNote subclass’s MRO and invokes decorator-patched inits followed by BaseDeclarativeMixin.init.


List of attributes to which user can append using BaseDeclarativeMixin.create_declarative_label or BaseDeclarativeMixin.create_declarative_relation


List of children to which user can append using BaseDeclarativeMixin.create_declarative_child

create_declarative_label(name: str, value: str = '', inheritable: bool = False) Label

Create and return a Label with deterministic attribute_id based on its name and note’s note_id. Should be used in subclassed BaseDeclarativeNote.init or BaseDeclarativeMixin.init to generate the same attribute_id upon every instantiation.

Multiple attributes of the same name are supported.

create_declarative_relation(name: str, target: Note, inheritable: bool = False) Relation

Create and return a Relation with deterministic attribute_id based on its name and note’s note_id. Should be used in subclassed BaseDeclarativeNote.init or BaseDeclarativeMixin.init to generate the same attribute_id upon every instantiation.

Multiple attributes of the same name are supported.

create_declarative_child(child_cls: type[BaseDeclarativeNote], title: str | None = None, note_type: str | None = None, mime: str | None = None, parents: Iterable[Note | Branch] | Note | Branch | None = None, children: Iterable[Note | Branch] | None = None, attributes: Iterable[BaseAttribute] | None = None, content: str | bytes | IO | None = None, template: Note | type[Note] | None = None, prefix: str = '', expanded: bool | None = None) Branch

Creates a child BaseDeclarativeNote with deterministic note_id and returns a Branch. Should be used in subclassed BaseDeclarativeNote.init or BaseDeclarativeMixin.init to generate the same child note_id upon every instantiation.

If the parent note’s note_id set, the child note will be assigned one so as to create the same note_id upon every instantiation.

If the child’s note_id is not fixed, a new note will be created upon every instantiation. This is the case for non-singleton subclasses.

Params following child_cls are passed to the Note and Branch initializers.

child_cls: type[BaseDeclarativeNote]

Class of child to instantiate