Developer guide#

Contributions are welcome, but please reach out first so work can be coordinated. This guide will walk you through setting up your environment and running tests.



Install the dependencies by activating a shell:

poetry shell

And then running:

poetry install --with=dev


From the root folder, copy .env.example to .env and fill in the variables. Not all tests require all of them, e.g. TRILIUM_DATA_DIR is only used to verify that backups were created. However it’s encouraged to provide all of them so you can run all the tests.

Command-line targets#

There are a number of scons aliases to facilitate development workflows. Targets are generated in a corresponding folder under the top-level build folder (e.g. build/doc/html).

  • test: Runs tests and generates coverage reports (HTML, XML, .coverage)

  • badges: Parses test reports and updates pytest/coverage badges

  • mypy: Runs mypy and generates reports (HTML, XML)

  • pyright: Runs pyright and generates JSON report

    • Note: since pyright outputs JSON to stdout rather than writing to a file, it’s suggested to run pyright manually to see individual errors

  • analysis: Alias for mypy pyright

  • doc: Builds HTML documentation

  • format: Runs black and toml-sort (for pyproject.toml)

For example, to run all tests and generate reports, run scons test.

Running tests#


Please use a separate, “disposable” Trilium instance to run the tests. Running the full suite creates and deletes over 70 notes within a short amount of time.

The runner will detect existing notes and require you to pass --clobber if you want it to proceed running tests, acknowledging existing data may be inadvertently deleted if e.g. there is a bug. Such bugs may, in the worst case, put Trilium into an unexpected state or corrupt data.

Run pytest followed by an optional path/test filter, e.g.:

pytest test/note/

Developing tests#


To get a new Session and a new Note for testing, simply create a test (function starting with test) which takes arguments called session and note respectively. For example:

def test_create(session: Session, note: Note):

Here a new Session will be created, along with a new Note. The note is automatically deleted after the test exits.


Markers are useful to configure certain things about the created Note under test, e.g. which attributes it has. For example, test/attribute/ uses such a marker to create an attribute in order to test deleting it.

def test_index_del(session: Session, note: Note):
    assert note["label1"] == ""