

Create a note by instantiating Note:

note = Note(title="My note")
assert note.title == "My note"

Or a Note subclass:

class MyNote(Note):
    title = "My note"

note = MyNote()
assert note.title == "My note"

See Declarative notes: Notes as code for more discussion of this concept.

Every created note must have at least one parent note. You can provide one or more during creation:

note = Note(parents=session.root)

The remaining examples will assume that you’ve placed the newly created note in your hierarchy by giving it a parent.

Entity bind operator: +=#

Use += to add a Label, Relation, or Branch (parent or child).

Add a label:

note += Label("myLabel")
assert note.attributes.owned["myLabel"][0].value == ""

Add a relation to root note:

note += Relation("myRelation", session.root)
assert note.attributes.owned["myRelation"][0].target is session.root

Add a child branch:

child = Note(title="Child note")
note += Branch(child=child, prefix="My prefix")
assert note.branches.children[0].prefix == "My prefix"

Add a parent branch:

note += Branch(parent=session.root, prefix="My prefix")
assert note.branches.parents[0].prefix == "My prefix"

Add a child branch implicitly:

note += Note(title="Child note")
assert note.children[0].title == "Child note"

Pass a tuple of (Note, str) to set the branch prefix:

child = Note(title="Child note")
note += (child, "My prefix")
assert note.branches.children[0].prefix == "My prefix"

Clone operator: ^=#

Use ^= to add another note as a parent, cloning it:

# get today's day note
today = session.get_today_note()

# clone to today
note ^= today

Pass a tuple of (Note, str) to set the branch prefix:

note ^= (today, "My prefix")
assert note.branches.parents[0].prefix == "My prefix"

Single-valued attributes#

Notes can be indexed to get/set a single-valued attribute, or rather the first attribute matching the provided name.

If no attribute with that name exists, a new one is created. The attribute type (Label or Relation) is inferred by the type of the assigned value.

For example, to set #priority=10:

task = Note()
task["priority"] = "10"
assert task["priority"] == "10"

To set ~template=Task:

task_template ="#template #task")[0]

task = Note()
task["template"] = task_template

Multi-valued attributes#

To access a list of all attributes of a given name, index into any of the following:

  • Combined owned and inherited attributes: Note.attributes

  • Owned attributes: Note.attributes.owned

  • Inherited attributes: Note.attributes.inherited

note = Note()

note += [Label("myLabel", "value1"), Label("myLabel", "value2")]

for attr in note.attributes.owned["myLabel"]:
Label(#myLabel, value=value1, attribute_id=None, note=Note(title=new note, note_id=None), position=10)
Label(#myLabel, value=value2, attribute_id=None, note=Note(title=new note, note_id=None), position=20)


To access note content, get or set Note.content. Its type should be str if Note.is_string is True, and bytes otherwise.

note = Note()
note.content = "<p>Hello, world!</p>"
assert note.content == "<p>Hello, world!</p>"

It can also be set as an attribute on subclasses:

class MyNote(Note):
    content = "<p>Hello, world!</p>"

note = MyNote()
assert note.content == "<p>Hello, world!</p>"

Use Note.content_file or Mixin.content_file to set the name of a file relative to this package’s location.


If you use Poetry and want to publish a Python note hierarchy with content from a file, no additional steps are needed to package these files if they reside in your project. If you use setuptools, you’ll need to use package_data or data_files to include them (however using setuptools for this is currently untested).